Saturday, January 16, 2010


As most parents know, getting the kids ready for school in the morning can be crazy and hectic. On one such morning, my friend Jen drove her kids to school. By the time she actually got them loaded in the car with their shoes and backpacks on, they were running extremely late. On the twenty minute drive she checked her watch frequently.
She began to list off each move the kids made---or in some cases didn't make--that put them behind schedule. Having ended her "mommy speech", she took one final glance at her watch. When she saw the time--and knew they would never make it---she said in frustration: Well....just great. The warning bell is ringing. We will never make it in time.....Oblivious to his mom's frustration, Five-year-old Aiden exclaimed in a very impressed voice: WOW, Mama!....You have GREAT EARS!

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