Thursday, September 29, 2011

Knock, Knock

Here is a Knock, Knock joke to make you smile...courtesy of our 3 year old friend, Max. 

Will you know me in three days?  yes
Will you know me in four days?  yes
Will you know me in five days?  yes

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
I thought you knewed me!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cu-cumbersome Tux

Brandon recently tried on his tux.  He is in his cousin's wedding. Mom reported he looked tall and handsome. Although he was dying in the itchy material, tight collar, and "stupid cucumber bun,"  Mom thought he was adorable.  I would tend to agree.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dance Clinic for HOPE

Recently my home town high school dance team sponsored a dance clinic to benefit breast cancer. Football stadium covered in pink--Dancers, cheerleaders, football players and fans---$3,000 raised. Warms my heart.

Mini Pom Pom Girls - Video streaming live and on demand events#.TnIckwe63kM.facebook

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food Fright

Today at lunch five-year-old Julia prayed, "Dear Jesus, I hope that you can bless this food ..."
 It makes Mom wonder how bad the food looked if Julia wasn't even sure Jesus could bless it.