Monday, August 29, 2011

Allergic "Reaction"

My wonderful friend Aiden is eight years old.  Although he has some pretty severe allergic reactions to cats, dogs and mold, he recently had an allergic "reaction" of a different kind.

Aiden's mom was in the yard chatting with a neighbor while the kids played.  The adults were talking about the havoc moles were causing in their yards.  Upon hearing this Aiden shrieked, "MOLES!  WHAT?! I can't be here!  I got to get inside!"

While his diligence in taking a proactive approach to his health is to be commended, as long as the moles weren't moldy, I think he was fine. 

Have I mentioned I LOVE THAT BOY!   

Friday, August 26, 2011


Mrs.Norris and her kindergarten class were looking at a book of pictures starting with "m". One of the pictures was children playing marbles.

Mrs. N:  "You probably don't know this game. I played this a long time ago when I was a little girl. It's a game called marbles.  (She then explained the game to her class.)

Student: "Do you still play?"

Mrs. Norris:  "No.  Not anymore."

Student:  "Why did you lose all your marbles?"

 Little does she know that's how A LOT of teachers feel after the first week of school. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Jeremy: Mom! We got urnals at chapel today!
Mom:  Sorry, what?
Jeremy:  Yeah, urnals! You know, the book with all the songs?
Mom:   HEAVY sigh.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Name Game

Actual excerpt from a conversation between Mom and her teenager, Kaleigh:

Mom: Kaleigh Marie get in here now!
Kaleigh:  Why are you middle naming me?

Imaginary list of questions that goes through Kaleigh's mind in the 5.2 seconds it takes her to get to Mom:
Ughhh!....What did I do? What did I not do? What does she know I did?  Who told?  Could she know about last night?  Did I forget to feed the dog?  Wonder how much she knows?  Did I start the dishwasher like she told me to? What do I have to do now? Grounded?  How much should I tell?  Should I just fess up? Did I track mud in again?....

Note:  When you get "middle named" you know Mom needs business! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Special Delivery

Four-year-old Davey's Grandpa wasn't feeling well and had to be taken to the emergency room, which spurred this conversation between Davey and his very pregnant mom.

Davey:  Mom, will you have to go to the EMERGENCY ROOM?
Mom:   No, we will go to LABOR & DELIVERY.
Davey:  What's DELIVERY?
Mom:   That's where the baby gets delivered.
Davey:  Well...why don't they just deliver him to our house?

If only that were possible!

Welcome to the world little Michael Kaegan...The world is a brighter place with you in it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's an engineer?

My nine-year-old daughter Jae and I were talking.

Me: Kate’s dad is an engineer.

Jae: What’s an engineer.
Me: People with college degrees that use their math and science skills to build, create, and problem solve.
Jae: Like an architect.

Me: Well, they can create “things” like bridges. Sometimes they work with roads or water to recreate and improve our environment. Kate’s dad works with water.

Jae: So…he’s a plumber?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Two Matthew Stories

A couple of funny Matthew stories sent in by a devoted  www.justkidding-michele/ follower.

This past week a crop duster was flying over the field directly behind Matthew's house. Matthew was looking out the window when the plane flew towards his house...very low, of course. Seven-year-old Matthew put his hands on his hips, bobbed his head back and forth, and with a sassy tone said, "What do they think they're doing?! Don't they know it's 99 degrees outside?! 

Dad's elderly aunt passed away last week. The family attended the funeral and afterwards went to eat at a restaurant with extended family.  While sitting at the table waiting for food, Grandpa was telling stories of growing up with his sister. One particular story was about his sister learning to drive. He ended the story by saying, "And that's how we learned to drive back in the old days." Matthew replied, "Oh, you mean in the early 1800's?"