Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Fun

Took some time today to hang out in my pool with some dear, old friends. Wait a minute. Let me clarify. The friendships I have with these people are old--long standing. The people themselves are young and vibrant~!

Anyway...while we were in the pool I caught this conversation between Jaden 4 and Carter 5. Totally made me smile.

Jaden to Carter: Hey...I can go for longer (as he submerges himself in the shallow end)

Carter to Jaden: Who can go longer? Who can go longer? Who can go longer?

At this point Carter clearly doesn't understand that Jaden wants to see who can stay under water the longest. Carter keeps asking over and over because Jaden does not reply. Sadly, Jaden couldn't hear him because he already started the underwater competition. Finally Jaden pops up from under the water.

Jaden to Carter: were suppose to follow me (under the water)! CUTE!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The BEST vacation ever

Aiden, soon to be a second grade student, took some time to relax at a lake-front cabin with his extended family. While being pulled in an inner tube on the lake he was heard to exclaim: "SWEET MOTHER IN HEAVEN, I LOVE THIS!"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

tween (il)logic

My friend's 12-year-old son was in a "reading club" last year at school. Thinking they could get a jump on the reading list for next year Denise offered up a trip to the library. Her son wasn't quite as excited...Eye roll and sigh followed by this frustrated exclamation from Davis, "Fine, but you are going to have to explain to my teachers why I was reading over the summer!"

Can you imagine the scene on the first day of school when Denise has to come clean to Davis's teachers about their trips to the library...