Saturday, January 2, 2010

Have a little "Man Time"

Date night went well. We made it approximately 3 1/2 hours into GONE WITH THE WIND before the first phone call came: "What did you have for supper?" the whispery voice asked. was not some prank call. It was our youngest calling in from Grandma's house, where she was spending the night in luxury. We talked for about 2-3 minutes and then we hung up with an agreement to see each other first thing tomorrow, which is today.

GWTW continues...Baby Bonnie has just died in the horse back riding accident when in comes phone call number two: "I miss you." While I love for my kids to miss, love, and appreciate me, this did not bode well for date night. The whispery voice on the other line was now a little weepy. "Do you want me to come and get you?" I offered. "No, I will stay," came the brave little reply.

We snuggle back up on the couch. More drama with GWTW. Melly is on her death bed...Scarlet is saying her good comes call number three. (heavy breathing)...and then, "Will you stay with me?". I offer to just come and see her for a little bit. 11:38 I bundle up and head out into the 12 degree weather to change snuggle partners. Upon my arrival I snuggle with her and watch TV. She wants me to stay. I tell her, "Dad will be lonely." Her reply, "So...he can have some 'man time'." I stayed.

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