Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gone Fishing

Three year old's vocab word:

Fishening---to finish eating Goldfish Crackers

Do you think Webster's will pick that word up for 2013?  Makes perfect sense to me. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What's Better Than Candy?

While four-year-old Chevi was getting dressed one morning, he told Mom
all about the yummy snack he had at Cub Scouts last night.

Mom: "It did look good... like a granola bar covered in chocolate." 
Chevi: "And... it tasted like candy!"  I
Mom:  "Well, you know there's nothing better than candy!"
Chevi:  "Except cardboard!"


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Precious or Precocious?

I take every opportunity possible to ply our daughter's fourth-grade teacher with treats, such as chocolate, for occasions just like this. 

Text from Mrs. L:  Your baby just asked me why naive has two dots above it.  I said I wasn't sure.  I told her she needed to ask someone smarter then me and she said, "OK, hey Wyatt...."

Is it a coincidence that precocious is just precious with a couple extra letters?  I think not!

P.S.  By the time I picked her up from school my pre--cious daughter actually did know the name of "those two dots" AND why they are sometimes placed over vowels.  Thanks,  Mrs. L... I see a wonderful gift for Teacher Appreciation Week in your future!