Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Cuss Cussing

Four year old Chevi and Mom had several places to go picking up donations for their charity yard sale.  When Mom told Chevi they might not make it to swim class he looked at her, cocked his head and said, "WHAT THE WHAT?!!!"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Noodle Confusion

I asked my 15-year old son Jarrod if he wanted egg noodles or mac'n cheese for supper. He said, "egg noodles."  When supper was ready he took the lid off the noodle pot and said, "What's this? I thought you were making eggshell noodles. " I went to the cabinet and pulled out a box, showed it to him and asked, "Is this what you were thinking of?"  
Turns out he wanted elbow noodles. So..I gave him a high five and said, "Congratulations!  You made the blog!"
Love you, Jarrod!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Speed Reading

Mom to teenage son: Grant, how is your summer reading going?

Grant: Good.

Mom: What page are you on?

Grant: One.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Last night two-year-old Addie said to her momma, " I play bouncy ball.  You play coupons."  She knows what Momma likes!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Smooth Talker

While pulling away from the park with a van full of kids Mama Jen notices that 8-year-old Aiden is riding without a seat belt:  Aiden Robert, why is your seat belt not on?  Knowing that he has made a serious error in judgement not buckling up first thing, he replies to his mama in his smooth talker voice, : Mama, why...why are you so beautiful?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pulling into the driveway after spending the day with her nine-year-old daughter, my friend Amy heard, "Mommy, your panties are blooming!" 
UMMMM....I think she meant peonies.