Friday, January 1, 2010


Here's the deal....Two of my best friends in the entire world called me. Two seperate phone calls. Two seperate days. Both with the same idea..... "YOU NEED TO START A BLOG" After watching JULIE AND JULIA (not even with each other)they both KNEW that's what I needed to do.

Did I mention that 8 short years ago I "retired" from my teaching job to be a stay at home mom and write children's books? Having much success with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, cheering, shoe-finding, taxiing, tear-wiping, germ-fighting, American-Girl-Doll-party-hosting, I decided it was time to get serious about the writing!!! true we-love-you-and-we-will-get-you-motivated fashion my girls are giving me the kick I need.

So....Welcome to my blog! Whether it's a GOD THING or a friend thing it's my new thing and I'm glad you're here. I have to go, because my hubby and I are having a rare date night and GONE WITH THE WIND is calling...but let me leave you with one of my favorite KID stories.

Aiden approaches the alter with his momma for communion.
He looks to the left.
He looks to the right.
He announces in a happy voice, "Well, hope everyone is hungry!"

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