Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Remember Julia from last week? My three-year-old lunch date.
Lately, Julia has been becoming aware of the fact that she is a member of a family and eveyone has a different role to play. She enjoys saying, "We're the Thomae's". While I'm not sure Mom enjoys the role Julia has picked out for her, this cracks me up! And is so true! Little kids always call it like they see it. I love that about them!

This morning Mom was helping Julia after she used the bathroom. Julia said, "We're the Thomaes. I'm the Dr. Thomae. (She wants to be a doctor, because she is in love with her pediatrician.) Daddy is the fixing Thomae. Lauren is the toy Thomae. And... Isaac is the tape Thomae. (He is obsessed with tape. You may remember the story about the jammies duct taped to the wall..). Mommy, you're the cleaning up potty Thomae". Ummm - okay

Personally, I think Mommy should be the baking Thomae. If you ever have the privilege to taste her apple pie or chocolate chip cookies, you will agree!

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