Monday, March 5, 2012

The Hunger Game

Today was movie day at school.  The kids got to wear their PJs and bring a snack
for the movie.  Being the good parent she is, Mom called her kids on the
way home last night, asked what they wanted to bring for a snack, stopped at the store, bought it and
packed it all up for Aiden and his sister this morning.  As Aiden was getting out of the van...

Mom: "Aiden, don't forgot your snack for the moive."

 Aiden:  "WHAT??!!!! That was for the movie??? I thought it was my snack
              for the way to school AND I ATE IT!!!! 

This was, of course, after he already had breakfast.  Mom may want to check into extreme couponing to be ready for the teenage years! 

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