Monday, August 22, 2011

Name Game

Actual excerpt from a conversation between Mom and her teenager, Kaleigh:

Mom: Kaleigh Marie get in here now!
Kaleigh:  Why are you middle naming me?

Imaginary list of questions that goes through Kaleigh's mind in the 5.2 seconds it takes her to get to Mom:
Ughhh!....What did I do? What did I not do? What does she know I did?  Who told?  Could she know about last night?  Did I forget to feed the dog?  Wonder how much she knows?  Did I start the dishwasher like she told me to? What do I have to do now? Grounded?  How much should I tell?  Should I just fess up? Did I track mud in again?....

Note:  When you get "middle named" you know Mom needs business! 

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