Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World....NOT!

Good News....11 year old Mary Jae did the "calculations" and notified Mom the world is NOT ending 12-21-12....So relax and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Words You Never Want to Hear


What is something you never want to hear from your 4 year old....”Mom, I need something to make my hand smell better.”   Uh-oh… Turns out she just wanted "ham sansitizer".

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Truth About Romney

Yesterday my ten-year-old daughter asked me if I knew that Matt Romney spells his name M-I-T-T. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Jeremy:   Mom! My friends were kicking balls at me during recess. TWO hit me in the head.
Jeremy:   Yeah. They kicked balls at me almost the whole time. It really hurt.
Big Sis:    Jeremy, you were the goalie.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Super Sized?

Mom was in the bathroom and discovered there was no toilet paper.  She yelled out for her young daughter to bring her a roll of toilet paper out of the closet.  A few minutes passed when Mom heard a knock at the door.  There stood her daughter with a roll of paper towels and a roll of toilet paper posing a very important question:  "Do you need the small roll or the big roll?" 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic UGGHH!

 My ten-year-old daughter and I waited all week to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.  I soaked up the music and the pagentry.  She waited paitently hour after hour to see The Parade of Nations.  Finally...twenty-one letters into the parade...The United States of America enters the arena.  Eyes glued to the television my little diva checks out their outfits and remarks in disgust, "OMG!!!  Did you see those shoes?  They are totally theraputic (I think she may have been going for orthopedic here.)  I can't even look."  With that, she rolled over, snuggled under her blanket and drifted off to sleep.  U-S-A!   U-S-A!  U-S-A!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Olle is a student in one of my all time favorite Pre-K classrooms.  She is non-verbal, but sometimes it's just not an issue.  For example, the other day a classmate ran up to Olle and took the toy she was playing with.  She rushed up to him, wagged her little finger in his face with a diva head toss and let loose a fierce stream of non-words.  In a panic, the "toy thief" ran up to the teacher: 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sunscreen Poster Child

Sam thought he'd apply his own sunscreen. At least he won't get a sunburn...on his forehead.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New book in the Bible?

Mom just read Trevor's confirmation verse out loud and asked her boys what verse it was (Isaiah 41:10) and Jeremy said March:16. Someone is obsessed with his birthday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carter Quote

Quote from seven-year-old Carter:   "Just kidding Mom...I love you, but sometimes you are a handful."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Snow Angels

How to make a snow angel in 93 degree weather:  As part of his break dancing routine seven-year-old Carter was making a snow angel on their wood floor. He did, however, call it  "making a dust angel".

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's ----Week

I have always thought--especially after I became one--that moms deserved more than a one-day celebration.  In an effort to keep the Mother's Day celebration going, I would like to share Mandy's Mother's Day Card from her son Richard.

My mom's name is MOM.  She is 16 years old and has BLUE eyes and Brown hair.  Her favorite food is PIZZA.  I love my mom because SHE IS NICE.

Okay Moms....What did Mandy like most about her amazing card?  You guessed it....Richard says she is only 16!!!  No wonder she always looks so fresh and beautiful!

Happy Mother's Week to all the hard-working moms I know and those I have yet to meet!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gone Fishing

Three year old's vocab word:

Fishening---to finish eating Goldfish Crackers

Do you think Webster's will pick that word up for 2013?  Makes perfect sense to me. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What's Better Than Candy?

While four-year-old Chevi was getting dressed one morning, he told Mom
all about the yummy snack he had at Cub Scouts last night.

Mom: "It did look good... like a granola bar covered in chocolate." 
Chevi: "And... it tasted like candy!"  I
Mom:  "Well, you know there's nothing better than candy!"
Chevi:  "Except cardboard!"


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Precious or Precocious?

I take every opportunity possible to ply our daughter's fourth-grade teacher with treats, such as chocolate, for occasions just like this. 

Text from Mrs. L:  Your baby just asked me why naive has two dots above it.  I said I wasn't sure.  I told her she needed to ask someone smarter then me and she said, "OK, hey Wyatt...."

Is it a coincidence that precocious is just precious with a couple extra letters?  I think not!

P.S.  By the time I picked her up from school my pre--cious daughter actually did know the name of "those two dots" AND why they are sometimes placed over vowels.  Thanks,  Mrs. L... I see a wonderful gift for Teacher Appreciation Week in your future!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Amazing Talent!

Here are some teens with talent.  Makes me SMILE!...Shoebox Monsters

You Look Fabulous!

It was a crazy, busy weekend.  Sunday afternoon 7 year old Carter asked Mom if they could finally play.  Mom:  I'm SO SORRY I have to shave my legs.
Carter:  No Mom, you look FABULOUS!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Better Than HD TV...

 In an effort to help her students understand the abstract idea of time, one second grade teacher related time to television.  She explained to her boys and girls that 30 minutes is the amount of time their favorite TV shows last.  Jax quickly raised his hand and told the teacher his programs lasted 40 minutes because... he has a big screen TV.  Who knew?  The bigger the screen, the longer the show. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Elmo is a Restauranteur?

Mom, Dad and their two youngest sons were headed to El Mezcal.
Chevi asked if they could have cake.   Dad said, "If you eat your food,
we'll have cake when we get home."  Chevi very excitedly turned to his
older brother and said, "Did you hear that Matthew?  We get cake if we
eat our food at Elmo's Cow!"

For me, knowing the owner of the cow
makes it harder to have a beef enchilada...but, that's just me!  

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Hunger Game

Today was movie day at school.  The kids got to wear their PJs and bring a snack
for the movie.  Being the good parent she is, Mom called her kids on the
way home last night, asked what they wanted to bring for a snack, stopped at the store, bought it and
packed it all up for Aiden and his sister this morning.  As Aiden was getting out of the van...

Mom: "Aiden, don't forgot your snack for the moive."

 Aiden:  "WHAT??!!!! That was for the movie??? I thought it was my snack
              for the way to school AND I ATE IT!!!! 

This was, of course, after he already had breakfast.  Mom may want to check into extreme couponing to be ready for the teenage years! 

Friday, March 2, 2012

It's a Riddle

Q:  How are a seashell and a drumstick the same?

  In music class this week one young student solved the riddle:

A:  "Wow! I can hear the ocean!"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tiny Tornado Talk

Here in the Midwest tornado season seems to be in full effect.  Recently, a tornado wreaked havoc in Branson, Mo and surrounding areas.  Earlier this week a pre-k teacher was presenting a very timely science lesson on TORNADOES. She read CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS by Judi Barrett to introduce the lesson and followed up with a YOUTUBE video of an actual  tornado.  To reinforce the lesson children were invited to make swirly, twisty tornadoes using cooked spaghetti noodles.

I now invite you to be a "fly on the wall" and  listen to the comments made by the pre-schoolers during the TORNADO lesson.


"Wow!  It gets busy inside a tornado!"

"Hey, if you are in front of a tomato you can get hurt!"

"I have one of those at my house."

"Are these Spaghetti-O's?"

"I can hear (the tornado) vibrating"

...and the ever popular pre-k comment no matter what the topic:  "My dog is in heaven."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


While in a pre-k classroom yesterday the teacher played one of my favorite classroom songs for her kiddos to dance to:  FREEZE DANCE.  Basically the kids dance to the music until they hear the word "FREEZE".  Then, everyone stops in mid motion. 

After the song ended one very excited boy looked at his teacher and said, "I frozen you!!" Interpretation:  "I was FREEZE dancing with you and I don't want it to end!"

Just have to love  pre-k vocabulary.  How expressive!!! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Heartwarming Hug

Last night when giving my ten year old daughter her goodnight kiss and hug she whispered in my ear: "I don't want to let go, because you always make every situation better." 

Yes, those are her exact words--she is a little precocious, but very endearing...warmed my heart.   

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Real American Hero

Five-year-old Davey's Dad is in the Air Force and has served in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.  Recently he had this to say to his Mom.  Caution...may cause you to tear up!

"Hey Mom, G.I. Joe is a real American hero...just like Dad!"

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dr. Davey Makes a House Call

Mom and then 4-year-old Davey were playing doctor. Davey said, "Open wide!" and stuck a flashlight in Mom's mouth. He then reported, "I see a marble hanging from your intestine! You're fine. You're not sick!!"

I think that young man has a bright future ahead of him!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Scrabble Talk

Can you find the word our sixteen year old son composed during a friendly game of Scrabble on family game night?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Baby Announcement?

Recently my friend stepped out of the shower and was greeted by her four year old son saying, "UHHH!!!  We're having a baby?"    There is no baby, but... a new healthy eating/exercise plan was born this very day. 

Happy Birthday, friend.  You are BEAUTIFUL inside and out!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Party is Over...

Quote from our 10 year old daughter when she looked at the pile of Christmas decorations waiting to be packed up and stored until next Christmas:  LOOKS LIKE CHRISTMAS JUST THREW UP!

...and so begins 2012!!!