Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Need Some Advice

A fourth grade classroom had to write a letter to "Aunt Blabby" about a
problem they were having. Here is a favorite:

Dear Aunt Blabby,
I have a big problem. I woke up, but I forgot to
put my clothes all the way on so I went to school and all I had on was my
socks and my undershirt and my panties. The kid were laughin at me. I
said WHAT? They just panties. At least they was good panties. They was
Hello Kitty, but then I looked down and they was Dora the Explorer! What
am I supposed to do?
Your Friend,

It cracks me up that she's not so much concerned that she forgot to put on her clothes, but she's caught with Dora the Explorer underwear in fourth grade.  We all have our standards!

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