My friend and I had a rendezvous today in a video store parking lot to swap kids. We were waiting in the parking lot in my truck when she pulled up next to me in her mini van. As she pushed the button her rear side door slowly slid open to reveal her two-year-old son sitting in his car seat with....Sesame Street work gloves on his hands. Did I mention it was 87 degrees today?
At this point I start giggling, because it was just so unexpected. She proceeds to tell me that he has worn them everywhere for about 2 months now. I tend to believe her, since he got out of the van and marched into the video store to find his Batman video with his gloves on.
She also shared with me that Dad tends to hide the gloves so the little man can't wear them out of the house. That's the difference between Mom and Dad.
Same thing happened when our 15-year-old son was a toddler. He had a water baby he loved and adored. Water Baby was pushed everywhere in a stroller. His dad would cringe when he pulled it out of the van, but I just figured it was good practice for being a wonderful daddy one day.