I believe my friend missed her calling. Her official job is SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST. However, I believe she was meant to be a party planner. Each time one of her kids has a birthday she goes ALL OUT. I know...I know...you may be thinking, "Big deal...so do I." But...I'm not talking about her wallet and major money spent. I'm talking about her brain and major creativity sent.
This year's theme for her third-grade daughter was HOTEL FOR DOGS. All 10 girls in Kate's class where invited to their hotel (house) for a 1 night stay. There were reservations, room keys, a vending machine (made out of a cardboard box) pulleys and contraptions for their dogs (stuffed animals).....
Did I mention Mom stays with the girls all night by herself and mans the party while dad takes the little brothers to Grandma's house for the night. This plan does not set well with Aiden. He told his Mom, "You mark my words...I will be staying at the hotel...mark my words!"
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