Have you ever wandered what the mommies of Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, or Eli Whitney did when these budding boy geniuses did "experiments" around the house? I read this FB post of a dear friend a few weeks ago. She is in a quandary about what to do with her 9 year old son. I'm sure she would love any advice---especially if you are the parent of a boy genius. I just had to share.
The problem is that he isn't being "bad", he just needs to learn to think things through. For example, he duct taped his pajamas to the wall so that he could see if he could jump into them -- of course, the duct tape took the paint off the wall. He poured soda into the automatic ice maker in the freezer to make soda ice cubes and made a big mess. He tore up one of little sister's toys today to see how it worked. He never seems to do the same things twice -- he just does experiments and doesn't seem to realize how destructive he is. I try to see things from his point of view, but I also want him to think things through and learn to take care of our home and the other things that God has entrusted to us.
I have a feeling that twenty years from now we will be seeing GREAT THINGS from Isaac. He is one ingenious little boy!
I just love Isaac
me too!!
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