Wednesday, February 22, 2012


While in a pre-k classroom yesterday the teacher played one of my favorite classroom songs for her kiddos to dance to:  FREEZE DANCE.  Basically the kids dance to the music until they hear the word "FREEZE".  Then, everyone stops in mid motion. 

After the song ended one very excited boy looked at his teacher and said, "I frozen you!!" Interpretation:  "I was FREEZE dancing with you and I don't want it to end!"

Just have to love  pre-k vocabulary.  How expressive!!! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Heartwarming Hug

Last night when giving my ten year old daughter her goodnight kiss and hug she whispered in my ear: "I don't want to let go, because you always make every situation better." 

Yes, those are her exact words--she is a little precocious, but very endearing...warmed my heart.   

Tuesday, February 7, 2012