"Help! Help! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" The teacher in the workroom heard the distressed voice of seven-year-old Aiden coming from the hall. She rushed out to help. "Aiden, what's the matter?" "Help! It's an emergency! Is a frog an amphibian or reptile?"
A little taken aback she asked, "What do you think?" "Amphibian?" he asked anxiously.
She told him he was correct and he went back to work.
With a smile lurking on her lips, she shook her head and returned to the workroom. Upon entering, her colleague asked, "What do you think is going on with Aiden today?"
It would seem a little earlier in the day the same thing happened to her colleague. Hearing a panicky Aiden yell, "Help! Help! I need a professional!" she too rushed into the hall. When she approached Aiden he said, "Help! I can't get the lid off my glue stick!"
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