Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DAY 7, 8, 9 PRE-K

These are stories other Pre-K teachers shared and I had to pass them along.

During Thanksgiving Mrs. G. spent some time with her students explaining the meaning of Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it in the United States. After the lesson she asked this question: "Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving?"

Several children excitedly respond: "The Penguins and the Idiots!" HMMMM.....


Student: "Teacher, Teacher, my mom bought me a hobo stick!"
Mrs. B : "A what?"
Student: "A hobo stick"
Mrs. B : "W-H-H-H-A-T?"
Student: "You know....like this (jumps up and down)"
Mrs. B : "OH....a POGO stick!"


Ms. Paula shared this story about her son. While he doesn't attend our Pre-K program he IS in a Pre-K program, so I had to include it!

Ms. Paula and her 5-year-old son Matthew were outside on a windy spring day working in the yard. A big gust of wind came through and the shed door slammed shut.

Mom: "Oh, Matthew...I'm scared...we must have a ghost!"
Matthew: "Don't worry, Mom...it can't be a ghost...ghosts are nocturnal"
If only all the teenagers in those horror movies had Matthew's logic!

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