Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Spell it!

Mom and three-year-old Corrine had a mini spelling lesson today.

Mom:     "Corrine, "How do you spell your name?
Corrine:  "C-O-R-R-I-N-E. Now my turn."
Mom:     "Okay."
Corrine:  "How do you spell mountain goat?"

Friday, July 12, 2013

Flashback Friday

2013 Super Bowl half time show...BeyoncĂ© rockin' on stage.  Her image is magnified over and over and over behind her.  MJ turns to Mom and says:  "Cool!  Look at all the BeyoncĂ©s---or should I say Beyonci."  Of course, that was the highlight of the half-time show for Mom. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Not so "Hoppy"...

Sophie:  Look how my little frog is all relaxed and floating on his back, chillaxing!
 Mom:   Uh oh